Friday, July 27, 2007

Virus Warning!

Hi again Friend,

Catching a virus on the internet can be a very scary
thing - unless, of course, it is a marketing virus -
in which case its really a very good thing!


Because it can spread and spread and infect everyone.
And that is good if it is your marketing message that
is the "virus" doing the infecting!

The "virus", if you can really call it that, is
really just a form of word of mouth advertising.

It starts with one or two people and spreads from
there - just like the flu - from one person to the
next and on and on it goes. (That is where the
phrase �Viral Marketing� came from).

In this case our "virus" is...
The magic of this message, friend, is that it is
easy to spread to others who spread it on. And they
spread it not because they like the ad message, but
because they like the rewards and benefits on offer
(which, of course, includes the ad message).

And so the virus spreads and spreads, but no one gets
sick... In fact there are smiles all around!!

But is this form of marketing only reserved for the
"professionals" with big advertising budgets?


If you haven't caught this virus yet, it may be
time... because this one is spreading and some
people are getting awfully sick :-)

Have a great day!

Best regards

Emmanuel Osawemwenze

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